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Don't Dwell On Looks

We need to stop being obsessed about being pretty, beautiful, glamorous and all the other titles that the world puts upon our shoulders. Instead we need to be pretty quick to control our angry thoughts, pretty quick to resolve conflict between us and those we love and care about. We should focus on being pretty kind, as well as present in others’ lives. A lot more can be gained in being pretty quick to make someone’s day better and making them laugh instead of making them cry. We should be quick to think of others instead of ourselves.

We should be quick and proud to spend time with those we love and not treat them as a second job that we need to take care of or adhere to. We never know when God will call us home. We need to be quick to be there for the ones who need us. We need to be quick to listen and slow to speak. We need to pretty quick to remember that not one of us is perfect. Our lives and our looks aren’t perfect. We need to stop striving for perfection, glamour and always holding up our reputation and instead turn to the one who has held us in the palm of His hand every day of our lives- Jesus.

We should all be pretty quick to take a good look at ourselves in the mirror and figure out how we can change ourselves and our lives for the better. We should ask ourselves how we can change this world and make it a better place. It all starts with us. Any of us can be the person to step up to the plate and make changes in the world. It takes guts. It takes courage and a heck of a lot of faith, but any of us can do it. We shouldn’t be afraid to step out in faith either.

This world and sin make us afraid to stand up for our faith and for one another. Even still, we should take heart and be courageous, because God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. Rather He gives us power from Himself, as well as love and self-discipline. Even with all the fears of stepping out and our inner voice telling us to not step out in faith, if we turn to God and listen to Him, with Him at our side, we can help change our own world and the lives of others around us. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” This verse tells us that we don’t have to be afraid, nor should we be afraid with God at and on our side. We can face the uncertainties of this life with the faith, courage, strength and trust that God has given us. This verse not only tells us to trust in God, but it also tells us to trust ourselves and to strengthen our faith, and that no matter what we do, we should never lose the faith.

Jesus said if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, then miracles can happen. Luke 16:7 says, “He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” This shows how big of an impact even a little faith can have in this world. It shows how big of a difference faith can make in anyone’s life. We shouldn’t spend our time worrying or obsessing about how terrible things are in life. We should be quick to realize just how blessed we are. Remember, even when things seem dark, it can’t and won’t rain forever. God has a plan and purpose for all of our sufferings.

Instead of always being obsessed with how we look in order to impress co-workers, our spouse, and other people we see in our lives, we need to be smarter and focus less on our outward appearance and focus more on the inner appearance of our characters and our hearts. What do our characters really say about us? Do we carry ourselves as if we are better than anyone else, based on our status in the workplace or based on how much money we make, or based on how we look, and how we act around others? Or do we humble ourselves and look out for one other? We must ask ourselves what is really important to each of us.

The answer as Christians should be simple- put our faith in Jesus Christ first, and to point others to Him. There is no greater joy than to quickly point to Jesus, instead of being quick to point to ourselves.

There is no greater joy than to bring consolation to someone who is in need of forgiveness, or is suffering from pain. There is no greater privilege than one on one time with God. There is no greater honor to be the light of reassurance in telling someone that God still loves them and is still with them. There is no greater joy than to help others find the peace and love that God has in store for them in their lives. All we have to do is tell them about Him and hope that they receive Him in their lives.

Instead of being obsessed with our outward appearance, our worries and our fears, we should turn all of those things into prayer and peace for ourselves and our fellow man. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Don’t worry as much about what others think of you. Try to remember that we are all put on this earth to serve God and to honor Him with the things we say and do. It doesn’t even matter how we look in other people’s eyes, it is how we are portrayed to God our Heavenly Father that really matters.



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