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Alexis Wohler's Portfolio
These are the pieces and the links to the pieces I've written.
Faith Filled Family Magazine Interview With Ayiesha Woods
Here is my interview with Christian singer Ayiehsa Woods as she discusses the making of her new EP, "Full Circle", motherhood, and other...
Faith Filled Family Magazine Interview: Leanna Crawford Offers Hope Through Dark Times
Here is one of my latest interviews with Christian artist Leanna Crawford. She offers people hope through some of the darkest times of...
Becoming Selfless: How To Put Others Before Yourself
Here is the link to one of my articles for the October issue of Faith Filled Family Magazine. Pages 72-75

The Christian Heart-Sending Cards To Hurting People
When I retired from my job, I knew I wanted to serve the Lord with my gifts and volunteer at my church. I went to a meeting at my...

The Christian Heart-The Praise Team Leader
I never expected to be doing the things that I’ve been doing at my church for the last ten years. When I first joined the praise team, I...

The Christian Heart-The Sharing Grace Pantry
I have always been passionate about helping people and I knew that we had people in our own community that needed help. Especially during...
August 2020 Issue of Faaith Filled Family Magazine
Here are the articles I wrote from the August 2020 issue of Faith Filled Family Magazine . When Tempers Flare..Walk Away? is on pages...
April 2020 issue- Faith Filled Family Magazine
Hi everyone, Here are my articles from the April 2020 issue of Faith Filled Family Magazine. The Eye of The Storm-Maintaining Peace:...
Feburary 2020-Faith Filled Family Magazine
My latest article in Faith Filled Family Magazine, Who Are You Following? My article is on pages 68-70.

Signing For God- The Christian Heart
Here is my first story with The Christian Heart. One of my friends who uses her gifts of sign language to help the deaf members of her...
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